and her angels  
^Whisper^ &
(Hosting since October 20, 1999)
and her angels  
^'Mo^ &
(Hosting since March 7, 2001)
The love of our precious fur, feathered, finned, scaled, or quilled ^angels^ has brought us all together.
Please know that your beloved is safe, happy, healthy - and in wonderful company
at the "Rainbow Bridge". ^'Mo^, ^Stoley^, ^Whisper^, and ^Wonder^
are there to guide them, as they learn to use their beautiful newly earned ^wings^.
You will also be able to meet all of our angels, who are patiently waiting for the earthbound parents they had to (temporarily) leave behind.
Here, you are encouraged to create a memorial site for your beloved angel, as well as read submitted stories from our very own members. |
to help you explain the loss of a beloved furbaby to your children.
(Our very own cl-mosmomcarol is a major contributor!) Please be sure to let us know, if you have a poem to add to our collection. |
which has been lovingly dedicated to all our angels. Thank you ^Mullie^ and ^Tuck^ |
which helps to explain just how close our angels are, and why we won't be seeing them again ......... for a little while. |
to learn how our angels continue to send their love from the Rainbow Bridge. |
Each Sunday at 3pm eastern time (12pm pacific) we hold a live, one hour chat.
Please go to: Pet Loss Chat
(It's always nice to talk with someone who understands.)
BridgeKisses (messages to our angels) are always sent straight to the
Rainbow Bridge, at the 1/2 hour point of our chat.
Pet Bereavement Message Board. There are many wonderful, loving BridgeParents in the world, who know exactly what you are going through. When you talk about your angel, and shed the tears, it makes room for healing. (Grief shared is grief diminished.) Please join us. We love to learn more about the angels that are keeping our beloveds company, at the Rainbow Bridge. |
Love and memories last forever. May they bring you peace.