This beautiful star, located in Ursa Major (The Big Dipper)
is a Christmas gift (December 2003) from our dear friend, Sindee.
{{{Mulligan Man & Tucker Bud's Mom}}}

The Rainbow Bridge Star is dedicated as:
"This star is for all the ^PetAngels^ waiting for us at the Bridge
^Mullie^ & ^Tuck^, your mom and dad's love for you
is as wide as the sky."

Thank you
^Mulligan Man^ and ^Tucker Bud^
and the ^Boys^ wonderful Mom and Dad.

Please join us on the iVillage's
Pet Bereavement Message Board.
There are many wonderful, loving BridgeParents in the world,
who know exactly what you are going through.
When you talk about your angel, and shed the tears, it makes room for healing.
(Grief shared is grief diminished.)
Please join us. We love to learn more about the angels
who are keeping our beloved's company ~ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Please be sure to visit The Rainbow Bridge.
You will also be able to meet all of our angels, who are patiently waiting
for the earthbound parents they had to (temporarily) leave behind.

Please be sure to visit our The Pet Bereavement Home Page.
where you will learn a little more about our wonderful community.

Whisper in the Heart

<BGSOUND SRC="JoshGroban" loop=infinite>

~ "Somewhere Out There" ~